
Video by NeurOptimal® www.neuroptimal.com

Video by NeurOptimal® www.neuroptimal.com

We are so excited to have you here, and would love to help you in your exploration of Neurofeedback services. We utilize the NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback system which is a wellness system that caters to each unique individual and is so easy to use that you can use it in the comfort of your own home. Watch the videos to the left to learn more.

Think of when you hear a twig break in the distance as you walk through the woods… now imagine how many parts of your brain are lighting up at that moment! NeurOptimal® utilizes the brain’s ability to communicate quickly with feedback to allow for self-correction with as little as an interruption in the music you’re listening to. The Central Nervous System is able to communicate so effectively to the rest of the brain, that it just needs a little boost in communication to help reach better functioning in times when we feel ‘stuck.’


Neurofeedback training provides a multitude of benefits for the brain and body, including help with: sleep management, mental acuity, stress management, instruction following, concentration, problem-solving and more open thinking.


Send an Email to request a copy of NeurOptimal®’s 10 year survey results. Also, take a look at NeurOptimal® research links here.

However the feedback helps to optimize our individual brain functioning, it can help us cope better. Whether trying to reach optimization for emotion regulation, peak athletic or job performance, neurofeedback is a great option.



NeurOptimal® is field tested with over 4 million hours run worldwide, developed by clinical psychologists Susan Brown, PhD and Valdeane Brown, PhD. NeurOptimal®’s process with neurofeedback is non-invasive and does not try to push to any type of standard. This is why there isn’t a diagnosis or treatment needed. NeurOptimal® is unique to each individual, utilizing a mathematical formula to be able to monitor changes throughout a session and build communication around the changes.

Peak Wellness Neurofeedback